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Writer's pictureSizanid

How to Stand Out as an Intern: Tips for Making a Lasting Impression

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Welcome to the world of internships and apprenticeships. You're probably here because you want to make a good impression on your supervisor and co-workers, right? Well, we've got some tips for you!

First off: what is an internship? It's basically like working as a regular employee but with less responsibility and more flexibility (because it's not actually permanent). Interns are usually college students or recent graduates who are looking for experience in their field of study so they can get jobs after graduation. Internships provide valuable opportunities for

young people who want careers in fields such as medicine, law enforcement, engineering and other technical fields where there aren't many entry-level positions available yet but there will be soon enough once those industries grow up more fully developed over time--which means that if you're thinking about getting into one of these kinds of jobs then now is definitely the time!

Here are some of the tips for making a lasting impression:

● Be Professional

● Dress for Success.

● Respect the Chain of Command.

● Keep Your Commitments.

● Develop Your Skills

● Be Proactive.

● Take Initiative.

● Find Opportunities to Learn

● Be a Team Player

● Communicate clearly

Work with others

Take ownership of your work and the projects you're involved in, whether it's a team project or something you've been assigned by your supervisor.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Your attitude is a key factor in whether or not you'll stand out as an intern.

While it's not always easy to maintain a positive outlook, there are ways to

keep yourself motivated and excited about what you're doing.

Be open to feedback

If someone gives you constructive criticism, don't get defensive or take it personally--it's just part of the process! You may even find that the person who gave you feedback has some great ideas for how to improve your performance in future assignments.

Stay positive

If something goes wrong during an assignment and no one else seems bothered by it (or even worse, if they're laughing at your misfortune), don't let them get under your skin--you know better than anyone else how much hard work went into preparing for this opportunity! Instead of letting negativity get underfoot (so sorry), try focusing on finding solutions instead

of dwelling on problems; after all, nothing worth having ever comes easy!


Attend events. Make connections. Follow up. Be Prepared. Research the company and Ask questions. It's okay to ask your supervisor or another employee about something you

don't understand, but make sure it's relevant to your work and not just idle


Anticipate needs

If there are certain projects coming up that will require extra attention from interns, offer yourself as a resource for those tasks--even if they're not directly related to what you're working on at the moment!

Develop Your Brand

Developing a personal brand is an important part of standing out as an intern. You can do this by creating a professional profile on LinkedIn, which will allow you to showcase your work and get involved with relevant groups. There are many ways in which you can use social media to build your personal brand.


Create a LinkedIn profile that highlights all of your accomplishments,

including any awards or recognitions that may have come from previous

internships or jobs. This will help potential employers see what kind of

worker you are before they even meet in person!

Post articles related to the field of study that interests them most; this

shows them how much knowledge they could gain from working with

someone like yourself!

Be Flexible

You should be flexible and adaptable. If you're asked to do something, don't

say no right away. Instead, try to think of ways that you could accomplish

the task in a different way or make it better than before.

The best interns are those who take on new challenges and offer solutions

instead of just saying they can't do something because they don't know

how yet.


Congratulations! You've made it to the end of this guide. I hope you found it

useful and that you're now equipped with the knowledge needed to stand

out as an intern.

If you want even more tips on how to make a lasting impression, check out

my article on How To Stand Out In Your Internship Interview.

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